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With more than 20 years experience in the food industry, I have pictures and videos of most non-compliance issues in federal approved / EU approved / US approved facilities all over the world.

Developing Countries

Developed Countries

* Beef  * Maintenance 
* Sheep  * Dirty Animals 

* Poultry 

* Separation between clean and dirty areas 
* Maintenance  * Contamination of exposed surfaces
* Bad Practices  * Hand operated hoses
* Changing Rooms * Evisceration
* Local Poultry * Extremely bad practices
* Local Sheep  * Incorrect hygiene practices
* Bad Practices
* Sick / Suspect animals handling
* Dead animals processing for pet food
* Slaughter of Wildlife (Hygiene?)

Please contact me for more information. 
The images contained on this site are for educational purposes only.

Copyright © 2001 International Food Safety Consultancy. All rights reserved.